If you are interested in finding jobs with Kessa Flowers in full-time or part-time capacities, contact us immediately.
We are offering great opportunities
to join our team
We are always seeking applicants who love their job and are committed to providing a professional level of service. If you are interested in seeking employment with Kessa Flowers in a full or part time capacity, please follow the instructions in the job descriptions and a representative will contact you concerning an interview and employment possibilities. So be prepared to receive a call from one of our representatives to inquire whether you can be available for an interview.
” By choice this company does not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, or handicap. This is a drug-free company and all applications may be subject to a drug screening process. Don’t drug-use in the workplace. “
jobs that Kessa Flowers needs workers
Positions Available
Currently there are no open opportunities. Feel free to attach a resume to our contact us page so that we can contact you whenever an opportunity that matches your qualifications comes up.